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 Understanding gender diversity

Understanding gender diversity

 Gender consists of four diverse elements of not only biological sex but also sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (clothing, hairstyle, language, etc.), which is called gender diversity.
 With the spread of the term “LGBT,” social awareness of sexual orientation and gender identity has been increasing. Specifically, sexual orientation refers to the sex toward which one’s romantic or sexual interest is or is not directed, and gender identity refers to one’s perception of the one’s own sex. Sexual orientation and gender identity cannot be changed by a person’s will or by medical procedures.
 The term “LGBT” is an acronym for lesbian (a person whose gender identity is female and who likes women), gay (a person whose gender identity is male and who likes men), bisexual (a person who likes both sexes), and transgender (a person whose gender identity does not match the sex on their family register or birth certificate). The term “LGBT” is used as a generic term for sexual minorities that are not limited to the above four ways of being. Sometimes LGBTQ+ is used with addition of plus as questioning, queer, and various other perceptions.
 “SOGI” is an acronym for sexual orientation and gender identity. SOGI is not a category for only people of a particular sexual orientation or gender identity, but it is two attributes that all people have.
 To allow all members to exercise their abilities to the fullest without any discrimination, let’s create a diversity-positive university by deepening understanding of gender diversity, respecting each other’s attributes and individuality, and removing obstacles to study.

 Kanazawa University established the Institute for Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion in fiscal 2022, focusing on enhancing understanding and education on LGBTQ+.
 Aiming to help reduce challenges and concerns of LGBTQ+individuals and those around them in their studies, the Institute has published the LGBTQ+ Support Guide, which summarizes the university’s initiatives and actions regarding gender diversity. The university also has a consultation service in place for LGBTQ+ persons and those around them regarding various concerns, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. For more details, please check [LGBTQ+ Consultation desks]

■LGBTQ+ Support Guide
 Website University homepage → “LGBTQ+ Support Guide

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